Two of my favorite bloggers (Emily P. Freeman and Modern Mrs. Darcy) do something toward the end of each month that I always look
forward to, so I’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon.
I love to learn new things, and I want my kids to be
lifelong learners. To help me model this for them, each month I’ll be sharing a
“What I Learned in…” post. There are no rules here. The learning can be
profound or profoundly ridiculous. The point is to pay attention to it
So, without further ado…
What I Learned in January/February (I’m doubling up)!
1. I prefer cashew butter to almond butter.

I think there might be a larger lesson here. Something about not trying to force yourself to love something just because everyone else does? Or maybe about how it’s better to keep trying new things instead of assuming they are all basically the same? Come to think of it, that seems to be a theme for the entire month. Read on.
2. I do not like e-books.
I don’t hate them. I’m not anti-Kindle or anti-Nook or
anti-iPad. But if I have an e-book, there’s a good chance I’ll forget about it
and never get it read. It just doesn’t speak to me the way the hardback on my
nightstand or the paperback in my purse does.
3. I love going to movies alone.
After a near implosion mid-month, my wise husband sent me to
a movie by myself. It was glorious. I may go to another one this month (he
doesn’t know this yet). It’s not that I’m anti-social. But I am a highly-sensitive
introvert and spending all day, every day with people, even the people I love
more than anything in the world, makes me a little seriously crazy.
That night, I went to dinner with my husband, then drove myself to the theatre where I arrived 45 minutes early (the only appropriate time to arrive for a move in my opinion). I got the best seat in the empty theatre then disappeared into another world (which included Chris Pine and that’s always a good thing) for a couple of hours. It was rejuvenating, both emotionally and creatively.
That night, I went to dinner with my husband, then drove myself to the theatre where I arrived 45 minutes early (the only appropriate time to arrive for a move in my opinion). I got the best seat in the empty theatre then disappeared into another world (which included Chris Pine and that’s always a good thing) for a couple of hours. It was rejuvenating, both emotionally and creatively.
4. I love coffee. I don’t need the caffeine.

5. There are thousands of pounds of unexploded ordnance buried in
Europe, particularly in Germany.
I read
a fascinating article in The Smithsonian about how/why so many bombs didn’t
explode and were lost underground after the Allied bombing raids over Germany.
My writer-brain is having a field day with it. I know there’s a way to use this
in a story someday!
6. Mental clutter shuts me down and it’s worth the effort to
clear it away.
I’m a very visual person and clutter drives me crazy, but
I’ve always thought that as long as it was out of sight, it didn’t bother me.
So things like cluttered closets or the kids’ messy bedrooms weren’t really an
issue. WRONG. I spent a week cleaning out the kids’ rooms and closets and it
has been deliciously freeing.
7. These sushi stacks are awesome.
Try them. I’m not saying you
won’t miss your favorite sushi restaurant, but they may help you survive until
your next roll. (Random: The fact that I now love sushi is a complete mystery
to anyone who knew me as a kid. If you have a picky eater, take heart. They may
outgrow it!)

I’d love for you to leave a comment and share one, two, or twenty things you’ve learned so far this year.
I love this feature, Lynn! Not only did I have the opportunity to hear what you learned, I learned several new things, too. This is a keeper.
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