I love this time year. LOVE.IT.
As a kid, it was all about the presents. OK. It still is, a little.
But as an adult, I’ve come to appreciate the weeks leading up to Christmas. The time that...
Anyone else feel like the holiday hustle began right after Halloween this year?
It’s been CRAZY at my house.
But, you know me. I’ve always got time to read a good book. Or two! And I want to...
We all make art in A Million Little Ways.
Yes, you do, too.
Even if you don’t think of yourself as artistic or creative, after reading Emily P. Freeman’s latest offering, you’ll view everything...
God wants me to be a bay leaf.
Sounds exciting, right?
Yeah. I’m not so sure about it myself.
I woke up early a few weeks ago, too early to get up. The time of day when I fade in and out of awareness,...
Most of us accept death as a part of life. But not everyone.
In Singularity, the second book in The Jevin Banks Experience, Steven James plunges us into a world where research into brain function...
Through the Balustrade pulled me in from the first page. Roxan is seventeen and has her own shanty. And she’s thrilled about it.
Immediately, I want to know why she’s on her own at seventeen....
I’ve always wondered what it would be like if my Bible came with
a scratch-n-sniff option.
Imagine what the Garden of Eden smelled like.
The fragrance of fruit trees and grasses and roses without
Love’s Awakening is the 2nd book in The Ballantyne Legacy by Laura Frantz.
I’ll admit it.
My expectations were high.
I had fallen completely and thoroughly into the world she created in the first...
I saw it yesterday morning, green morphing into yellow.
And then, today, I saw the first to fall.
One lonely leaf, landing at the base of the tree.
I felt sorry for him.
Imagine it. Poor guy...
The random number generator has spoken!
The winner of the free copy of Trapped by Irene Hannon is....Tabitha Pulcini!!!
Thanks to everyone who commented on the original...
Ever had someone let you down?
It happened to me recently.
At first, I was surprised. I have a fairly optimistic outlook
and I tend to expect the best of people, so when they reveal a different...
A couple of weeks ago, I shared with you my review of Stranded by Dani Pettrey.
You can click here to read it.
In Stranded, Book 3 in author Dani Pettrey’s acclaimed Alaskan...
Y’all know that I prefer to read any series of books in order, but I made an exception with The Promise because I was intrigued by the concept…a man has been lying to his wife for five months and he’s...
So how much writing did you
get done this summer?
Every time someone asks me this, I
have to fight an intense desire to slink away in shame. Instead, I mumble
something about being busy with the...
I love hearing my kids find their voice as they learn to talk to God.
Emma goes for loud and proud. “Dear Jesus,” she’ll begin, then we usually get a nice pause. This is followed by her thanking Him...
Lynn Huggins Blackburn believes in the power of stories, especially those that remind us that true love exists, a gift from the Truest Love. She’s passionate about CrossFit, coffee, and chocolate (don’t make her choose) and experimenting with recipes that feed both body and soul. She lives in South Carolina with her true love, Brian, and their three children. Her first book, COVERT JUSTICE, won the 2016 Selah Award for Mystery and Suspense and the 2016 Carol Award for Short Novel. Her second book, HIDDEN LEGACY, releases June 2017.